Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Climate Change (Global Warming)

Some people believe that global warming is a significant issue. I believe that it is an issue because if the earth gets destroyed, so will everything else. Other people believbe though that global warming is not happneing and that scientists are just making up facts. They belive that it is just a natural process and that humans are not adding to it but they cant't do anything about it either.

Global warming is when the earth's atmosphere is building up more and more layers. When UV rays come through, they would bounce off the water and the ice and then go back through the atmosphere. With global warming though, he UV rays stay trapped in the earth. Some of the causes of global warming are deforestation resulting in cutting down of our oxygen supply. Vehicles and factories let off gases that pollute the air. And garbage that is being burned (example: landfills) are also damaging the environment. Developing countries are belived to be responsible for half of the greenhouse gases. If more countries ar ebeing industrialized this is going to add more pollution to the earth. Also, floods are carrying salt water into areas that have fresh water. Since we already don't have large amounts of fresh water there could be a shortage of fresh water. Another effect of global warming is with the earth getting warmer; it is melting glaciers and ice, and drying up rivers.

I think that people should do something about global warming eben if it isn't happening because we would help keep the earth clean and prevent global warming from happening. If everyone tries to help stop global warming maybe that can make a difference.

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